Recovering Godly Humanity

Editorial: National Education Association (NEA) President, Becky Pringle, spoke recently to advocate for pornography in our school libraries as well as for programs to encourage confused youth to believe that gender is a state of mind unrelated to biology.

Just over a month ago, she chastised the Christian patriots in the Oklahoma legislature. On Thursday, February 22, 2024, she said: In Oklahoma and across the country, some legislators and decision makers are flooding state capitols and school boards with anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and hateful rhetoric.

She was eviscerating our own Senator Shane Jett and many other Christian men and women who serve in the Oklahoma House and Senate.

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Candidate Filings for State Offices

Last week, candidates seeking state office filed their paperwork with the Oklahoma Election Board during the three-day filing window at the state Capitol.

This is an exciting time for first-time office seekers. They come to the Capitol with stars in their eyes and high hopes that they can change things for the better for their fellow Oklahomans.

Even those seeking to return as an incumbent can get a few butterflies wondering who might run against them.

Some politicians who got defeated in a prior run come back for another round. This time will be different, they assure themselves. 

Some hopefuls arrive at the Capitol early, paperwork in hand, every i dotted and every t crossed. Others come with nary a clue. I have to pay to run for political office, they ask.

One incumbent got to the Capitol at 6:30 a.m. the first day of filing this year, just to be the first to file.

Rep. Terry O’Donnell
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Attack on Moms Lacks Credibility

Editorial Analysis: The Tulsa World attack today on Moms for Liberty is so obviously ideologically leftist that they quote as credible a leftist propaganda organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and note the damning sin of the group “pushing for involvement from parents, voters” in education elections. How dare Moms for Liberty engage in democracy! Five different Moms for Liberty chapters participated.

World Reporter Melissa Jacques writes, “The Tulsa chapter [of Moms for Liberty] has not made national headlines but is labeled as an anti-government group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Moms for Liberty is one of the three organizations in Oklahoma to appear on the SPLC Hate Map.”

In January 2020, “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” by Tyler O’Neil, Senior Editor of PJ Media and conservative commentator was published. Real journalists should be familiar with the work. The description of SPLC begins, “Racial discrimination. Sexual harassment. Off-shore accounts. Inflated and biased attacks on ‘hate.’ These are some of the many reasons Americans should mistrust the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Alleged Fraud in Omnibus Autism Case

Washington, D.C. — Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Senior Staff Attorney Rolf Hazlehurst April 2, filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims alleging that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), representing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), committed fraud in its representation of HHS in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP) in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

CHD’s media release notes the OAP was established to consolidate and adjudicate the approximately 5,400 claims filed on behalf of children who regressed into autism following vaccination. In 2003, Hazlehurst filed a claim in the program on behalf of his son Yates, diagnosed with autism after suffering adverse reactions following routine childhood vaccines. Hazlehurst’s claim was one of six original “test cases” in 2007 that would decide the fate of all the other claims in the OAP.

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OK Workforce Study Released

Oklahoma State University published today a new report on Oklahoma WorkTrends by the Center for the Future of Work. It is heralded as a comprehensive overview of workforce development and trends in Oklahoma. Covering both direct and indirect factors impacting workforce development like population, education, child care, poverty, incarceration rate and more.

The report includes data collected through the 2023 Voice of the Workforce study conducted by the Center for the Future of Work as well as other workforce data collected through various state and federal entities. The report then identifies areas of strength as well as areas of progress, continued focus and improvement as they pertain to workforce development in the state of Oklahoma.

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