To make reservations for the free workshop, call (918) 459-4537, or e-mail gmarcangeli@ruralenterprises.com. The deadline for registration has been extended to June 11.
Sponsored by the Oklahoma Native American Business Enterprise Center (NABEC) of Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc. (REI), the workshop will help participants define the core capabilities and services of their businesses for a clear and concise presentation to prospective customers, lenders and government contractors.
Workshop presenters are Larry Findeiss, Bid Assistance Coordinator for Tulsa Technology Center, and James Ray, NABEC Coordinator. A graduate of Chicago’s Northwestern University and the holder of an MBA from the Tuck School at Dartmouth College, Findeiss has more than 30 years of business experience, concentrated primarily in energy and aerospace manufacturing and aftermarket services. Ray, an Oklahoma State University graduate and former small business owner, is responsible for the coordination of NABEC training, seminars, client assessments, business consulting and technical assistance services to help minority entrepreneurs grow and develop their businesses.
REI established NABEC in 2007 through a grant awarded by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency. Located at Memorial Place Center, 7633 E. 63rd Street in Tulsa, NABEC’s purpose is to provide business assistance to Native Americans and other minority entrepreneurs with a focus on procurement of government contracts. Its services include client assessment, identification of the client’s immediate and long-term needs, one-on-one and group consulting, and presentation of seminars and training on relevant business topics. The Center also assists clients in securing financial capital and access to markets.
For more information, visit http://www.oknabec.com/.