Sen. Coburn Upping Attitude

At a news conference today, Dr. Coburn vowed to block any special deals for House members who switch their vote from “no” to“yes” on the health care bill.

The transcript follows.


SEN. TOM COBURN (R),OKLAHOMA: I want to send a couple of messages to my colleagues in the House.

If you voted no and you vote yes, and you lose your election, and you think any nomination to a federal position isn’t going to be held in the Senate, I’ve got news for you.  It’s going to be held.

Number two is, if you get a deal, a parochial deal for you or your district, I’ve already instructed my staff and the staff of seven other senators that we will look at every appropriations bill, at every level, at every instance, and we will outline it by district, and we will associate that with the buying of your vote. So, if you think you can cut a deal now, and it not come out until after the election, I want to tell you that isn’t going to happen. And be prepared to defend selling your vote in the House.

Local Reaction:

Statewide media, constituents, and average citizens in Oklahoma are cheering Dr. Coburn’s stance.  Some are organizing donations to support Legislators who vote no on Obamacare and donations to support opposition candidates of any Legislator who votes yes.  Thus Americans are gathering in; defense of their Constitution, opposition to the targeted destruction of the finest quality healthcare system in history of mankind, and stinging rebuke of the current Marxist Administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.