White House busted

President Obama’s White House Staff has issued an embarrassing apology to Charles Krauthammer over the Churchill bust gaffe. 

Nile Gardiner writes in the Telegraph, “the Obama presidency is fond of issuing apologies for America on the world stage, but very rarely makes them at home to Americans.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer has just issued one to Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer, who last week wrote an op-ed berating the Obama administration for removing a bust of Sir Winston Churchill from the Oval Office when it came to power. Pfeiffer had issued a stinging attack on Krauthammer, alleging that his Churchill bust reference was “100 percent false.” Krauthammer was of course 100 percent correct, and the British Embassy in Washington even issued a statement contradicting Pfeifer’s remarks.

Click here for the full text of Pfeiffer’s mea culpa, published on the White House blog in the form of an open letter to Mr. Krauthammer from the Telegraph and additional context and commentary on the dispute.