Readers joining Committee

Readers of Tulsa Today are responding in multiple ways to our call to reconstitute the Committee for Clear Communications.  In short, there will be a Creative Conservative Christian media platform for our community and it is highly likely that will include broadcast and print.

Tulsa Today readers are great!  Advertisers are stepping up, regular readers calling and emailing, and video and social media professionals are beginning conversations to chart the future of Tulsa Today.  We will announce our plans in early September.

Critical in this effort is to find another to assume the role of publisher.  As Founder, I am humbled and honored to have written for you and served as publisher online since 1996.  Yes, I will continue to contribute, but not as publisher.

A publisher is responsible for both the business and content sides of the media.  In many instances, when I would be engaged in business conversations, people would want to talk about content – specifically local, state and national politics.  I have written on those fields for decades, but my first piece of advice to my replacement is to focus on management of content and business and write less.  The publisher should not be the organization’s most prolific writer.

It is fun to work the reigns of a media platform, but that requires managing people more than some might suspect.  Writers are an eclectic opinionated bunch consistently critical and without a great love of authority.  They need that standoffishness – for lack of a better term.  A good writer will focus with independence on a subject and must have the ability to turn it over and around and upside down to see from multiple angles – to report what is new(s) and develop fresh editorial perspectives.

This reminds me, I have other stories to write today.

You may join the Committee for Clear Communications by emailing or call 918.592.6397.  The Committee will guide the growth of Tulsa Today, LLC and