By Local Report
Monday, 19 June 2006
The Sand Springs Lady Yankees may win a prize their New York namesakes would appreciate – a national championship. The 8-and-under girls team has won 1st place in the Sand Springs Softball League and has taken home three 1st place tournament awards, one 2nd place, one 3rd place, and a 4th place at the Tulsa Metro Championship. But the greatest challenge is ahead as they prepare for the National Championship in Fort Smith, Arkansas July 14th and the greatest question is can they raise the money to go?
This is not an “audition only” or a “selected” team. Three of the girls had never played softball before, but since February they worked hard. These 12 girls have played some weeks 4 to 6 days in a row. In a single tournament they have played as many as 6 games in one day. They have never taken “replacement” players to tournaments for special advantage. They play “heads-up” because they love the game and enjoy playing with their friends.
Coach Brad Millican of Sand Springs has been coaching a team of softball girls for 3 years now. He got involved because no one else wanted to work with young first year girls to teach them the basics of the game. Much to his surprise, this year he feels he may have a champion squad.
“This is a group of girls that had a mutual desire to play softball and have fun. Together, they have shown that hard work and practice really does pay off. All of these girls live in the Sand Springs area and are either 2nd or 3rd graders. The support of their loving parents, who have made arrangements, helped practice, transported, and cheered them to game after game each week-end after week-end, has really paid off,” Coach Millican said.
The challenge now is even greater than learning the game. The Lady Yankees must reach their goal to make the trip by individual contribution or sponsorship. These are not wealthy kids, but, just like they did on the field of play, they are willing to work hard to earn their way. Saturday June 17th they held a garage / bake sale. Other events will be announced soon. All contributions to the Lady Yankees are tax deductible and may be sent to: American Heritage Bank, 3801 S 113th West Ave. Sand Springs, OK 7406 with checks made out to the "Lady Yankees" with the memo notation "Donations for Nationals."
The girls are: Illiana #3, Cody #4, Brittany #7, Kali #8, Taylor #10, Katelyn #11, Bailey #12, Alicia #15, Jessica #16, Jaleena #19, Breanna #20, Caley #24. The Head Coach is Brad Millican, assistant coaches are Joe Schuler, Matt Mallory, Hallie Biggs, and Paula Millican.
The Lady Yankees will be soliciting contributions during the lunch hour at Bartlett Square in downtown Tulsa in their uniforms on June 22nd. A car wash is also planned for July 7th and 9th. All money raised will go to help the team with hotel, gas, food, and entry fees for this national competition. Parents are preparing a web site with more information and opportunity to make contributions to the team. Tulsa Today will follow developments and update readers as the team works to win their way to national competition..
Editor’s Note:
For those new to the area – Sand Springs is an adjoining separate community with a rich history and promising future. Tulsa is the regional city and Tulsa Today is proud to share news throughout Northeastern Oklahoma.
Last Updated ( Monday, 19 June 2006 )