The Williams Center Greens in downtown Tulsa will be sporting salsa flair as “Festival Hispano” comes to life at Third Street and Boston Avenue this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15-16. Sponsored by the Tulsa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the festival begins at 1 p.m. each day and ends at 11 p.m. on Saturday and 9 p.m. on Sunday.
Third Street between Cincinnati Avenue and Main Street will be closed from 11 a.m. Saturday to 11 p.m. Sunday. A police-monitored turnaround area in front of the Tulsa Performing Arts Center will allow patrons to drop off passengers close to the event area. Motorists will be able to travel on Boston Avenue from Fourth Street to Third Street and to make right turns only heading eastbound to Cincinnati Avenue, but Third Street between Boston Avenue and Main Street will be closed to all traffic.