Gov. Brad Henry issued a call this week to all Oklahoma public and private businesses and organizations interested in participating in the 2009 Oklahoma Quality Award process, which is administered by the Oklahoma Quality Award Foundation, Inc.
“In today’s highly competitive marketplace, it’s important that we pay tribute to organizations that demonstrate a commitment to world-class products and services," said Gov. Henry.
“The Oklahoma Quality Awards honor such businesses and organizations from the manufacturing, service, healthcare, education, nonprofit, and government sectors. These entries serve as an inspiration and benchmark of excellence in their respective realms. They are dedicated to customer satisfaction, consistent innovation and commitment to future success. I encourage all Oklahoma organizations dedicated to delivering quality products and services to participate in this process.”
This will be the 16th year of the Oklahoma Quality Awards administered by the Oklahoma Quality Award Foundation, Inc.
That organization exemplifies the successful use of performance-improvement principles. Members of the Foundation’s Panel of Judges selected Metro Technology Centers after an extensive evaluation by the Foundation’s Board of Examiners. Volunteer examiners are carefully selected, extensively trained and assigned to teams based on expertise, background, and experience. Confidentiality of the evaluation process is required of all examiners.
“The most frequently asked question about the award process is ‘Why should we participate?’” said Yash Fozdar, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation. “The application process helps focus on the development of strategic improvement initiatives that address major competitive issues of quality products, services and customer relationships."
"The award and application process provides a means to measure an organization against credible, proven business standards. In going through the process, an organization will see the tremendous growth and improvement potential that is possible for their operation. So, while not every company will receive an award, there are definite benefits for participating in the process.”
According to Mike Strong, Executive Director of the Foundation, the commitment to world-class products and services by these recipients has led to innovative business practices and improved business results.
Recent studies of nearly 400 publicly traded companies that won a quality award provide quantifiable evidence that:
Firms that won quality awards outperform on operating income-base measures.
Firms that won quality awards increased their ratios that measure use of assets, employee productivity and sales.
Further information on the study is available from the Foundation.
Recognition of the 16th annual Oklahoma Quality Awards will be in November of this year. In addition, applications from individuals desiring to participate in the review process as a member of the Board of Examiners are being accepted at this time.
For more information about the award and examiner applications, contact Mike Strong at 405-815-5295, FAX (405) 815-5205, or email Also, the 2009 award and examiner applications are available at their web site