Thursday, 14 May 2009
The task to return professionalism back to the appointment and management of tag agencies took yet another huge step on Thursday with wide bipartisan approval from the Senate.
Coffee’s Senate Bill 888 ends the Senate’s tag agency patronage system by prohibiting lawmakers from recommending tag agents to the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC). In the past, Oklahoma State Senators have suggested to the OTC those individuals they thought should hold the position of tag agent. Under Coffee’s legislation, the Oklahoma Tax Commission will directly appoint tag agents.
“In filling these tag agency positions, the OTC traditionally followed the recommendations of the local senators,” said Coffee. “Senate Bill 888 simply removes the patronage and allows tag agencies to return professionalism to their appointment and management procedures.”
Coffee added Oklahoma and Tulsa counties have been out from under the patronage system for many years with significant success.
“This legislation was greeted with bi-partisan enthusiasm, showing how reform is long overdue,” he continued. “It’s time for this patronage to end, and I encourage the Governor to help us bring it to a painless, peaceful conclusion with his signature into law.”
Last Updated ( Thursday, 14 May 2009 )