Wednesday, 19 August 2009
State Rep. Dan Kirby attended the ceremonial signing of his legislation expanding the Volunteer Medical Professional Services Emergency Act to include groups who volunteer employees in response to natural disasters and other emergencies.
Kirby, R-Tulsa, carried the legislation at the request of the Tulsa Health Department.
While individual volunteers have been protected from frivolous lawsuits, organizations like the Oklahoma Blood Bank and Oklahoma Medical Association do not enjoy those same protections, Kirby said.
"My legislation corrects this problem, extending the same benefits to non-profit and corporate entities when they take part in a response to a natural disaster," he said.
An example of a crisis in which many groups might be organized would be a response to the swine flu.
If the swine flu hit Tulsa and as part of the response a local business volunteers employees to help, this legislation would limit their liability and protect them from frivolous lawsuits in that situation, Kirby said. By limiting their liability and the liability of companies who want to help out in emergency situations, the legislation encourages that aid.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 19 August 2009 )