New T-shirts: Funny Or Filthy?

  altAbercrombie and Fitch, the clothing company known for its risque campaign ads, has family groups up in arms over its latest line of T-shirts.

  As part of its “New College” line, the company “continues its pattern of pushing pornographic-themed material into mainstream America,” according to the American Family Association.

  Abercrombie & Fitch does not merely sell a popular line of clothing, they sell a lifestyle,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “And because A&F clothing is popular among teens and college kids, the influence of their sex-as-recreation lifestyle is widespread.”

  (You can check out some of the new T-shirts after the jump).  

alt One T-shirt shows a young girl opening her blouse and exposing herself. The slogan reads: “Show the Twins.”  Another shows a female running nude, with the slogan: “Female Streaking Encouraged.”

  Other reported slogans include: “Female Students Wanted for Sexual Research,” “Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better,” and “Tie Me Up, Don’t Tie Me Down.”

  The AFA has sent out an e-mail blast asking supporters to contact the company to force the removal of “their sexualized shirts.”

  So what do you think? Is this a smart ad campaign; a marketing ploy to get noticed; or has the company crossed the line?

  If you haven’t done so, please sign up and register and then leave your comments below.  
