Mayor Kathy Taylor is hosting a "Tidy Up Tulsa With Taylor" this Saturday from 8-11 a.m.
Sponsored by the city, the Metropolitan Environmental Trust and the Tulsa Beautification Foundation, the event will be staged at the Green Country Event Center, 31st St. between Garnett and 129th .
Sign-ins for volunteers and neighborhood associations will begin at 8 a.m.
“Saturday is the day to help tidy up our city– much like our 60 minute makeovers, let’s work together to Tidy up Tulsa,” Taylor said.
Participants will assemble at the Green Country Event Center, then either clean up at that site or pick up bags and gloves to go into another location. The other staging areas in the Tulsa area are:
· Tulsa Tech North Campus, 3820 N. Peoria
· Reed Park, 4233 S. Yukon
· Fred Johnson Park, 6002 S. Riverside
Neighborhood Associations who want to participate in the Tidy Up Tulsa with Taylor event in their neighborhood can register with the city’s Working in Neighborhoods Department at More information for this event can be found at