Jeremy Green with Real Time Rehab won the grand prize in the Mayor’s Entrepreneurial Spirit Award competition.
He received a $30,000 check from SpiritBank and free space in the Tulsa Collaboratorium from Kandar Properties as the winner. The announcement was made by Mayor Kath Taylor and SpiritBank President Ted Cundiff.
Real Time Rehab provides physical therapists and clinicians with personalized rehabilitation programs for their patients. The programs are burned onto DVDs, providing patients with clear, step-by-step demonstrations of the exercises they need to perform to ensure a speedy and complete recovery.
Part-Time Pros, who connects degreed, experienced professionals with part-time and contract employment took 2nd place and Cog Togs Inc., came in 3rd place with a social site that lets kids trade personalized beads with their friends then connect online to a social. Part-Time Pros received a check of $5,000 and Cog Togs Inc. received a check of $2,500, both provided by Spirit Bank.
“In the Spirit Award’s third year we are continuing to see entrepreneurs bring their best ideas forward,” Mayor Kathy Taylor said. “Our winners from the past two years have exemplified entrepreneurial spirit, and we are excited for the 2009 winners to build and expand their businesses in Tulsa.”
In its third year, the Mayor’s Entrepreneurial Spirit Award is designed to promote small business growth in Tulsa by providing networking and other business opportunities to area small businesses.
“Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to watch many of the entrepreneurs that have participated in this competition grow, expand, receive national recognition for their ideas and, most importantly, make an impact on our community,” stated Albert C. “Kell” Kelly, CEO of SpiritBank. “It is through this passion and spirit that other businesses will be inspired, which will in turn strengthen our economy and encourage small business growth in our city.”