The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (ASFP) invites you to support their efforts by participating in the Break the Silence – Tulsa, Out of the Darkness Community Walk on October 16, 2010 at Hunter Park, 5804 East 91st Street.
In the United States, a person dies by suicide every 16 minutes, claiming more than 33,000 lives each year. It is estimated that an attempt is made every minute; with close to one million people attempting suicide annually. With your participation, you will not just be walking, and your donors will not just be writing a check – you will be helping to save lives.
The Out of the Darkness Community Walks benefit AFSP. The thousands participating nationwide raise money for vital research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives, increase national awareness about depression and suicide, advocate for mental health issues, and assist survivors of suicide loss.
Many participants walk in memory of a loved one lost to suicide. AFSP provides opportunities for survivors of suicide loss to connect with each other and get involved through a wide variety of educational, outreach, awareness, advocacy and fundraising programs.
There will be a remembrance balloon release. Each person attending will be provided a balloon for mass release symbolic of the thoughts and love still held for those sadly missing. In this small honor, all share and heal.
Organizer Joan Benedict-Dickey said, "This is the third year for the event. The first year over 100 attended and the second year doubled that number so we hope this year our supporters will double again."
By deciding to walk, supporters are helping to make suicide prevention a national priority.
The Tulsa walk begins at Hunter Park located on 91st street between South Sheridan and South Yale. Registration will be held on the day of the walk starting at 9:30am. The walk will begin promptly at 10am.
To register, donate or to learn more, click here.