Republican convention considerations

Editorial:  It was sad to see a long established Republican precinct chairman, Lonny Davis, resign his position by notice in the daily paper.  His disgust at the recent County Republican Convention is shared by many and he will be missed at this weekend’s Oklahoma Republican Convention.  I hope he will change his mind.  Despite the distractions of fanatical partisans, the great battle of our time is fundamental in a single choice:  Will Americans allow the government to take control of the country?  For that challenge, patriots need all hands on deck.

American culture and history is betrayed by President Barack Obama’s administration.  Our progress and prosperity is built from the innovation, creativity, character and work ethic of free individuals engaged in free enterprise under equal application of common law.  It is not built here nor is it in any other nation in history advanced by controlled markets and government decree – the “transformational change” President Obama espouses.  By his efforts to date, the world is more dangerous and economic collapse more likely.

No individual or institution of business or government is “too big to fail.”  Failure brings more innovation as workers depart with training, experience and personal savings to follow their own dreams and, by sweat equity, earn other successes.  Used equipment is purchased and put back to work.  Land is redeveloped and life goes on.

We fall so we may learn to rise – individually and in all human enterprise.

The American Constitution prohibits so many things the current administration is now doing and the failure of the Court System to defend the Constitution is so clear that every citizen must make a choice in 2012.  Do we suckle the glittering generalities of promised milk and honey while abdicating individual liberty or do we fight to return government to its proper limited role?  A nanny state or freedom, you choose.

Oklahoma was the only state in the union that voted in majority in all 77 counties for John McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008.  National pundits would think such a Native American reaction to the socialism promised then and delivered now by President Obama would unite us.  Unfortunately, rage is in play.  Those new to the battle understandably believe anyone they don’t know already on the field must be appeasers in the government takeover.  That could not be further from the truth.  What is accurate is that a small group of “tin-foil-hat” fanatics would rather eat their young than allow honorable differences of opinion in open public debate.

At the Tulsa County Republican Convention, I filed to challenge J.B. Alexander for leadership of the party.  I withdrew as I described in an earlier story titled “Republican Convention questions remain” when it became clear to me the convention delegates in majority were organized to force preset outcomes and leadership.  Alexander (called “the Lesser” by critics) was vice chairman during the previous term when County Party finances were drained from $17,000 to $1,000 in two years.  In my opinion, that is a failure of stewardship and grounds for dismissal not reelection.

However, enraged fanatics also have Internet access and I have been attacked by idiots without facts both locally and statewide as a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and an “establishment power broker.”  That’s funny.  I am an individualist, a Conservative because only they have my back and a Republican because there are no Conservative Democrats.  I could write a book on how funny the critics are in ways both large and small, but they are hurting their own cause in driving people away.  Then again, I’m Scottish so life has never been long without a good fight.  A talk show host for a year, I debate without fear.  Family knows that well.

Yesterday, the life of my aunt Louise Arnett was celebrated by many family and friends.  At the service, my uncle, Bill Arnett, introduced me as being “FAR” to the right of the Tea Party people.  Bill is a lifelong Republican and a supporter of the Party when Republicans were an insignificant minority of voters in Oklahoma.  Smiling I replied, “Someone’s got to balance all these Liberals.”

My critics damn me for seven years of employment as the Public Information Manager for the private company that implemented Vision 2025 for Tulsa County.  (Click here to read a daily newspaper story on that employment.)  While some may disagree with the voter approved specific projects, Vision 2025 was the largest most transparent and properly executed public infrastructure development program in Tulsa history, but some don’t let facts get in the way of hatred.

Thursday I am meeting with the Tulsa Tea Party at a Mexican restaurant at 15th and Peoria and I am pledged to support the group’s growing organization and strength.  I also support other Tea Party organizations and several Republican candidates for office at the local, state and national level.

Friday I am going to the Oklahoma Republican Convention as a delegate.  I am the elected Republican Chairman of Precinct 30, the core business district of Tulsa and I stood as a neighbor on the route in public opposition to the change of name from the 2010 Christmas Parade to the whatever-they-called-it Holiday Parade for political correctness.

I will stand for public issues as I judge proper and I will write here or discuss on radio or television whatever I like as opportunity presents itself.  I established Tulsa Today years before Al Gore invented the Internet and I have investigated fraud and abuse of public trust often to positive result for the good citizens of Oklahoma.  In 2010, Tulsa Today hosted 2.5 million page views – good by any standard of local media.  We pay writers statewide and welcome contributions of dissenting opinion.  I have earned critics and they are welcome to debate me as they can grow or find the courage.

Maybe I am a Daniel Boone Republican.  Boone was a country man even in the city and while elected was not enamored with the halls of power.  When he discovered President Andrew Jackson (evil guy) intended to betray the treaties Boone had negotiated with Native Americans, he stood on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and told them off saying, “You can go to hell, I’m going to Texas.”   In Texas he gave his life for Mexican Independence from a murderous tyrant because he believed the Declaration of Independence as written: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Each generation must defend Liberty.  Individuals of that generation are defined by the effort or lack thereof.  It is not a political party but considered principles that define us as do the actions we take based on those principles.  That may mean aggravating family, friends, crazy bloggers, pontificating pundits, officials and institutions of power.  Who you offend matters much less than what you defend.

I hope Lonny Davis will join me this weekend at the convention.  This is my public request he do so rather than allow fanatics to dishearten – that is death of spirit and a danger to the nation.  I hope to see him again and meet new friends to celebrate what we hold in common.  I love this country and while my part is small; I will stand for what I believe to be true, just and right.  My daily prayer is that you will as well.

About the author:

David Arnett has won two national awards as a First Amendment Publisher.  A former reporter for the Tulsa Tribune, he has covered public policy issues since 1985.  He established Tulsa Today in 1996 and it is the oldest independent local news service on the Internet.  He was host of The David Arnett Show on KRMG for a year and has produced books, magazines, video, and film in the course of an ever expanding communications career.  Other recent work you may enjoy include:

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