This week in the beacon of online half-truths, Huff-N-Post, Sam Stein reports that one of his friends has been hired by the Obama administration in a new position to provide “rapid response to unfavorable stories and fostering and improving relations with the progressive online community.” Isn’t that special?
One would think a better plan would be to meet critics on the open
field of public debate with truth and transparency, but that was only
what candidate Obama promised, never what President Obama has delivered.
Quoting an internal memo by White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer which was “provided” Stein writes, ”Jesse Lee will move from the new media department into a role in the communications department as Director of Progressive Media & Online Response. For the last two years, Jesse has often worn two hats working in new media and serving as the White House’s liaison with the progressive media and online community. Starting this week, Jesse will take on the second role full time working on outreach, strategy and response."
Apparently, this function was previously the responsibility of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). While Stein suggests the DNC will continue to mount a similar effort, this role will be directly within the administration’s control.
Stein writes, “Lee has played that role in the past, including writing a semi-infamous White House blog post that said Fox News’ Glenn Beck was lying about the administration on his show. His new gig comes with its own Twitter account, precisely for the purposes of disseminating push back.”
What lie was it that Glenn Beck fostered? Don’t we love unspecific allegations by blog? If there was a lie then what is the truth on whatever matter? Speak up son!
Stein writes, “An equally telling requirement of Lee’s new job, however, is that of crafting strategy for outreach to the progressive community. Lee has been tasked with that responsibility in his previous incarnations, both as a member of the DNC online team during the ’08 election and as a senior new media adviser with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
“His new post may require even more delicate hand-holding. Instead of managing the administration’s web presence, he will be pressing to make the administration more popular on the web. In that respect, his Twitter account could also become an interesting window into the status of the always emotional, occasional testy dance between progressives and the president,” Stein added about his friend.
It’s a shame really, that the administration doesn’t ever seem to focus on facts, but titillates illusions by twitter. Then again, this is the administration that worships fame over substance and doesn’t really give a damn about the Constitution of the United States of America.
The simple Conservative question: What is “progressive” about central economic planning by a totalitarian government – in this case one that refuses to abide by the Constitution designed to limit such stupidity? Tried countless times, even officials of Communist China have warned President Obama about the historic repeatedly proven economic failures of managed markets, but he presses on … oblivious. It makes one wonder how Stein will spin such huge irony.
This could be very entertaining. Let’s toast during the national anthem as President Obama likes to do with the Queen of England.
Click here to read the original post by Sam Stein on his special friend.