This week marks the nationwide release of “The Mystery of The Adam and Eve Chronicles,” the latest mystery from Tulsa author Gloria D’Alessandro. In the story, when young teacher Maryann Wesley is discovered brutally killed in her own home, the only clue to the reason for her death is a missing map of ancient lore—a map rumored to lead straight to the Garden of Eden. Part of an obscure and mystifying ancient text known as the Adam and Eve Chronicles, the person who holds this map would have access to the two most powerful plants in the world: the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.
When this detail comes out, Mike McVey, the lead detective on the case, realizes that the map must be discovered before it can be exploited by any number of opportunists willing to control the map and its contents at any price.
More intrigue develops when flowers with amazing healing and rejuvenating powers surface in the garden at the school where Conci D’Amato McVey teaches, plants purported to be from the Garden of Eden. Readers follow Mike, Conci, and her aunt, Sister Mary Concetta Rose on this harrowing journey of history and spirituality in “The Mystery of the Adam and Eve Chronicles.”
Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at, or by visiting or This is also an eLIVE title, meaning each book contains a code redeemable for a free audio book version from
D’Alessandro has been teaching more than 16 years, both in Christian and public schools. She and her husband reside in Tulsa. They have five grown children, eleven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She has written five other mystery novels: “A+ for Murder,” “Murder in a Holy Place,” “Murder at Signs and Wonders,” “The Mystery of the Pheramengo Cross,” and “The Mystery of the Eighth Deadly Sin.” In addition to writing, D’Alessandro teaches mystery writing.
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