The Oklahoma State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) re-elected Anthony R. Douglas to another two-year term as State President. Douglas is a Vietnam, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Gulf War veteran, retired from the U.S. Army at Fort Sill, and founder of InterConnect & Associates Consultant Services.
Other officers elected during the 79th Oklahoma State NAACP Convention include: Miller M. Newman of McAlester 1st vice president; Renea Shoate, of Tulsa as 2nd vice-president; Evelyn Nephew of Guthrie as secretary; Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Sherene L. Williams, of Lawton as treasurer; Pleas A. Thompson, of Tulsa as Executive Committee Member; and Reverend Charles Moore, of Muskogee appointed as the Youth and College Work Committee Chair.
“The African American and other minority communities has long depended on the N.A.A.C.P. to right the wrongs imposed upon them by the dominant members of society. Just as important, the leaders of this organization are expected to have the capacity, and resources to resolve all issues, and concerns brought to them,” said Douglas.
Douglas continued, “We have made great gains and accomplishments through desegregation of schools and public accommodation to securing voting rights, to seeing the first African American sworn in as an Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice, the election of the first African American as President of the United States, and now the election of the first woman as Governor of the State of Oklahoma. But, this is just a beginning, and we must continue to strive for excellence in all that we set our minds to do.”