Harvard Native American Program: Warren never

Breitbart.com has an interesting story on Oklahoma’s own U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren (now of Massachusetts).

Shelly Lowe, executive director of Harvard University’s Native American Program (HUNAP), told Breitbart News yesterday that Warren had not, to her knowledge, participated in the program’s events while Warren was a professor at Harvard.

Last week, Warren explained that she had listed herself as Native Americanin the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am.” However, she had not been involved in HUNAP, the most obvious avenue for meeting fellow Native American faculty and students.

Warren, who is the Democratic challenger to incumbent Republican Scott Brown, claims that she has a great-great-great-grandmother who was Cherokee. That claim has yet to be substantiated by evidence beyond family lore, and Warren herself has no formal tribal membership.

She had listed herself as Native American in the 1980s, but stopped doing so in the mid-1990s, claiming that she never encountered others with similar backgrounds: “Nothing like that ever happened, that was clearly not the use for it and so I stopped checking it off.”

HUNAP is a visible presence at Harvard, a university whose 17th-century charter dedicates the school “to the education of the English and Indian youth of this country.”

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