Eastwood: ‘Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party’

Clint Eastwood, Hollywood Legend, told Barrack Hussein Obama to make his day, which thousands of Conservatives, Libertarians and Republicans in Tampa at the Republican National Convention cheered. 

In a moment that will be remembered for conventions to come, the
gunslinger came out shooting.   A steady aim at the Administration and
the policies of the last four years. The Eastwood speech was steady and
grit filled. 

The convention fell to a fever-pitch as the mega-tron screen went black and a massive silhouette of the iconic cowboy appeared behind a western canyon.
Eastwood began by assuring the crowd that there were conservatives in Hollywood.  It’s just that ”they don’t go around hotdogging it.”

The Cowboy then reminisced about the current President’s election “I remember three and a half years ago when Mr. Obama won the election…people were lighting candles…Oprah was crying, I was even crying.”
But Eastwood got serious really fast. “I haven’t cried that hard since I found out there was 23 million unemployed in this country. That is something to cry for because that is a disgrace, a national disgrace.”
“I think possibly now it may be time for another person to come along and solve the problem” he said to cheers.

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