One News Now is reporting a prominent black pastor, upset over the direction the Democrat Party has taken, is asking Christians to change political affiliations.
Bishop E.W. Jackson of S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True To America’s National
Destiny) has launched a project called "Exodus Now," which calls for a
"mass exodus of Christians from the Democrat Part."
"We believe that the Democrat Party has shown itself to be anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-family, anti-life and anti-God, and it’s time for Christians to come out," Jackson explains. "We are focusing particularly — not exclusively, but particularly — on black Christians who in our view have been held captive by the Democrat Party with a tissue of lies."
While S.T.A.N.D. is encouraging people to vote their conscience, the group’s founder asserts, "We have stayed away from either endorsing Mitt Romney or saying that this is a call to vote against President Obama and make it personal. But I will say this," Jackson adds. "We’re calling people to come out of the Democrat Party and not support candidates who represent its values and the rebellion that it represents against God. That certainly would include President Barack Obama."
Bishop Jackson notes that the Democrat Party has "manipulated, deceived and misled the black community" for a long time, and it’s time "to awaken them that they are being used in a power game by Democrats who could care less about the black community, only care about staying in power, and they will use the black community for as long as they will allow them to use them."