The Oklahoman’s Randy Ellis has an interview available on today on how Oklahoma’s Attorney General Scott Pruitt is gaining a national reputation.
Scott Pruitt said fighting to make sure federal officials don’t exceed
their constitutional authority may be the most important role he plays
as Oklahoma’s attorney general.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt says fighting to make sure federal officials don’t exceed their constitutional authority may be the most important role he plays as Oklahoma’s attorney general.
Elected as just the second Republican attorney general in state history in November 2010, Pruitt has quickly gained a national reputation for his Don Quixote-like advocacy of federalism and relentless efforts to challenge any federal law or action that he sees as an infringement on individual liberties or states’ rights.
Pruitt sat down with a reporter from The Oklahoman recently to discuss why he has chosen to devote so much of his time and office’s resources to combating new federal laws and administrative actions.
The former state senator insists it’s not a matter of partisan politics.
“It’s all about making sure the enumerated powers — the limited powers that are vested in the federal government — are there. And if there is an expansion or overreach beyond that, the states step in,” Pruitt said. “That’s exactly the role, I would say, of the modern-day AG.”