President Barack Obama’s campaign team could have more control over the outcome of the 2012 election than you think with highly targeted voter fraud in key cities that could determine who gets the electoral votes from many swing states.
The potential fraud would be focused on major, decisive cities that are believed to help keep states blue, and therefore earning them the electoral college’s votes. They’re called “spigot cities.”
J. Christian Adams, an author and former attorney for the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, spoke about the spigot cities on the BlazeTV documentary — “The Machine” — which delves into various forms of voter fraud and how it’s being perpetuated. Many believe it is ultimately resulting in a loss of freedom through a corrupt voting system.
Adams believes spigot cities are managed by the Obama campaigned with some involvement by the Voting Section of the Justice Department.
“Without the spigot being opened in Philly, without the spigot being opened in Saint Louis, without the spigot being opened in Detroit and Fort Lauderdale and– and– and places around the country like that, Milwaukee– Cleveland, Cincinnati, those states would not go blue,” Adams said on “The Machine.” “It requires massive turnout– in large unopposed numbers in those urban centers for those states to remain in– in the blue column. What you have, unfortunately, is pervasive systemic voter fraud in many of those places. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
An editor’s note with the post explains that the article is based on “The Machine,” a documentary on that aired on TheBlaze TV Nov. 1 as the first of an occasional news magazine series called “For The Record.” An encore broadcast is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 8 at 8pm ET.