Failed candidate clip suddenly going viral

Dan Bongino lost his race for the U.S. Senate last Fall and the former Secret Service agent was finally closing up shop on his campaign offices when his phone started ringing like crazy The Blaze reports. Television and radio shows were calling to ask Dan if he was free… free to talk about this brief speech he gave on January 19th at a Guns Across America rally in Annapolis Maryland.

Apparently the clip began popping up on various pro-Second Amendment websites, but why would a six minute speech suddenly attract so much attention?

Dan Bongino said Friday night the video had only generated about five or six views before this week.

Bongino told The Blaze, “For three weeks, almost nobody watched it, then boom, this week it started getting posted in a few different places. I believe there are five or six versions of it that have already been seen 100,000 times.”

Bongino also speculated that the looming new gun laws coming to his home state of Maryland might also be fueling the spread of his message.

“The legislation they are close to passing is a path to confiscation.”

The address was not something Dan Bongino had written down, “It was really just a few minutes of off the cuff remarks.”

Amazing how honest, passionate truth-telling can work sometimes.

Click here for the video from his web site

Dan Bongino has a blog at Watch Dog Wire, where he writes:

I remember from my childhood a song lyric that read, “Once you trade
magic for fact there are no trade-backs.”  Have we now entered a point
in our political evolution where the reverse has happened and we are now
trading fact for magic? In my home state of Maryland, a state where a
Democratic super-majority in the state legislature and a Democratic
governor have unfettered political control, law-making is seemingly
guided by an allegiance to magic.

Click here to read Bongino’s Watch Dog Wire piece.