Supreme Court petitioned on birth control

ReligiousFreedomFirstIn a story by Jonathan Easley today The Hill is reporting that Hobby Lobby has petitioned the Supreme County to take up a case it won on the birth control mandate.

The mandate requires most employers to cover a range of birth control methods for their workers and Hobby Lobby’s lawyers have argued “the case is an excellent vehicle for resolving an exceptionally important question on which the circuits are split.”

The birth control mandate appeared headed for the Supreme Court before the filing, but the petition could ratchet up pressure on the high court to take up the case.

“Hobby Lobby’s case raises important questions about who can enjoy religious freedom,” Kyle Duncan, the lead lawyer for Hobby Lobby, said in a statement. “Right now, some courts recognize the rights of business owners like the Green family, and others do not. Religious freedom is too important to be left to chance. The Supreme Court should take this case and protect religious freedom for the Green family and Hobby Lobby.”

ReligiousFreedomHobby Lobby won a victory in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this year, provoking the U.S. government to petition the Supreme Court to review the case.

Hobby Lobby’s filing on Monday creates the unusual situation of a winning plaintiff filing a petition “agreeing with the [defendant] that the Supreme Court should hear the appeal,” according to The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.

The circuit courts have been split on the mandate, which requires most employers to cover a range of birth control methods for their workers.

Read more from The Hill here.

Previous stories on Hobby Lobby by Tulsa Today may be found by clicking here.