The manufacturing industry added thousands of jobs in 2013 according to the Tulsa Metro Chamber and a new program set to begin at Tulsa Community College is designed to help qualified individuals find employment leading to a career in the manufacturing industry in less than 6 months.
Tulsa Community College will launch a fast-tracked, 16-week manufacturing training program. The Demand Driven Training Program provides a thorough understanding of manufacturing terminology and basic skills as well as exposure to real world experience and hands-on application.
The program was made possible by a $2.5 million grant awarded to TCC from the U.S. Department of Labor as part of the Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) initiative. The program provides training for entry-level positions in manufacturing and help fills a growing skilled-labor gap with current employees retiring at a rapid rate. The 16-week class is organized by four modules that focus on safety; quality practices and measurement, manufacturing processes and production; and maintenance awareness.
Following the conclusion of each module, students will complete an assessment. Once the fast-track program is completed, the participant will have earned 12 college credit hours within the Engineering Technology degree program as well as a Workforce Certificate of Achievement from TCC. Students also will have earned their national credential from the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council – the Certified Production Technician.
The program is designed to assist unemployed, dislocated workers and/or recently laid-off workers and veterans to get back into the workforce. Graduates receive assistance in job placement for entry-level positions such as machinist, assembler and technician and can expect to earn $11 to $15 per hour, according to industry experts.
Classes are from 8 a.m. – noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday beginning Feb. 11 at Tulsa Community College Northeast Campus and run through May 2014. Individuals must go through a screening process to see if they qualify for the program. For more information, contact Montoya Boaz at 918-595-7987.