Sky News is reporting that Taliban gunmen have killed 141 people, including at least 132 children, in a school attack in Peshawar, Pakistan. Nine men stormed the army-run school while around 500 children and teachers were believed to be inside, with many students taking exams at the time.
No statement from the Council of Islamic Relations – Oklahoma has been issued at publication condemning the attack.
Most of the victims of the country’s deadliest terror attack were killed in the first few hours as the gunman fired bullets indiscriminately at pupils and teachers. A local hospital said the dead – and the more than 120 who were injured – were aged from 10 to 20 years old.
Teachers and pupils were held hostage by the Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen before the army stormed the building in a bid to end the nine-hour battle. “The operation is complete,” said a military source, adding that all nine militants were dead after hours of fighting.
Police struggled to hold back distraught parents trying to break past a cordon and get to the school as loud explosions went off inside. “My son was in uniform in the morning. He is in a casket now,” wailed one parent, Tahir Ali, as he came to the hospital to collect the body of his 14-year-old son Abdullah. “My son was my dream. My dream has been killed.”
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Senator Rand Paul on the heinous attack suggested that it was primarily up to “civilized” Muslims to address the “radical” Muslim threat worldwide.