Sen. Marco Rubio confirms for SRLC

Sen. Marco Rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio

Oklahoma City — Senator Marco Rubio, fresh off officially announcing his presidential campaign on Monday, confirmed today to serve as one of the keynote speakers at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) in Oklahoma City in May.

Rubio is the tenth national leader and 2016 presidential candidate to confirm for the conference behind Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Senator Ted Cruz, former Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Ambassador John Bolton.

SRLC Committee Board Chairman Steve Fair noted, “Sen. Rubio has emerged as one of the Senate’s most visible national security experts and has been a rising star in the Republican Party. Oklahomans look forward to welcoming him and hearing his message for 2016.”

MarcoRubio2Rubio was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010 amid the Republican sweep in the first Obama midterm. He has been an outspoken voice for conservative principles since his time serving as Florida’s youngest Speaker of the House.

Fair continued, “Rubio is among the candidates for president most talked about in the upcoming election. His bold and fresh take on policy and politics will be key at the conference.”

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference will be hosted in Oklahoma City on May 21st – 23rd.

The “Energy Capital of America”, the event promises to be one of the largest attending political events of the year and will end with a 2016 Presidential Straw Poll. Dozens of invites to governors, congressional leaders and other Republican luminaries have been extended, and additional confirmations are expected in the coming days and weeks. More information on the SRLC is available at

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