Save the “snowflakes” campaign launched

snowflakesavePlease don’t be offended or turn away. All troubled by ideas, words, and reason with respect and without judgment must be nurtured. We must save America’s most fragile: Our dearly precious “snowflakes.” You can help today by sharing the following video.

Created by the Media Research Center (MCR) the video informs viewers of the struggles many college students face in everyday life, such as hearing opinions with which they don’t agree. The fact that President-elect Donald Trump will assume office has sent many such “snowflakes” scampering into safe spaces provided by Universities they attend. You, dear reader, can help them.

“The University of Pennsylvania offered puppies and kitties to cuddle,” explains one presenter.

“The University of Michigan Law School scheduled a post-election self-care workshop where snowflakes could color and blow bubbles,” said another.

The MRC even went so far as to create the site “” with a donation button. The site explains the plight of the snowflakes, and how you can help.

One thought on “Save the “snowflakes” campaign launched

  1. KJO

    I propose we start carrying “Matter More” signs. It would be interesting to see what the mainstream media would make of it.

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