FBI treason: Lawyer betrays America

The FBI attorney who altered evidence (email) as part of a conspiracy to obtain a secret court warrant to spy on a Trump campaign adviser before, during and after the 2016 election admitted to one count of making a false statement before a federal judge in Washington.

The now-former FBI assistant general counsel Kevin Clinesmith August 19 made the plea deal with prosecutors, who agreed on a sentence maximum of six months. Judge James Boasberg set sentencing for Dec. 10.

In their coverage of the story, The Epoch Times reports:

“While the inspector general’s reports and other evidence in the public realm have already substantially clouded the credibility of the Mueller probe, Clinesmith’s guilty plea is the first admission of criminal conduct carried out as part of the special counsel investigation, which roiled the nation for 22 months but found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“The plea also raises serious questions about the culture within the broader special counsel operation, where Clinesmith played a key role for roughly a year before being removed upon the discovery of his blatantly anti-Trump text messages.

“Clinesmith wasn’t the only FBI official to have been removed from Mueller’s team over biased text messages. FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page ridiculed Trump, spoke of stopping him from winning the election, and mentioned an “insurance policy” in the “unlikely” event he won. The pair, who at the time was involved in an extramarital affair, broached the subject of impeachment around the time Mueller was assigned to lead the inquiry. Mueller removed Strzok upon learning of the messages. Page had left on her own prior to the discovery.”

Click here for the story on The Epoch Times.

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