Debate broadcast this Thursday

Thursday night, a live debate between the asserted top five Republican candidates to fill Senator Inhofe’s seat will be broadcast on Tulsa’s Channel 6 and OKC’s Channel 9, of Griffin Communications.

The broadcast will be from 7:00-8:00 pm, commercial-free, and moderated by Craig Day (KOTV), Amanda Taylor (KWTV), Alex Cameron (D.C. Bureau). Unfortunately the schedule will interrupt the second round of the WCWS which begins at 7:30 pm featuring Oklahoma vs. Texas.

The five candidates running for the US Senate seat being vacated by Senator Inhofe invited to participate include in alphabetical order: Nathan Dahm, Luke Holland, Markwayne Mullin, Scott Pruitt, and T.W. Shannon. The primary election is set in Oklahoma for June 28.

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