Oil & Gas Workers endorse Jackson Lahmeyer

Jackson Lahmeyer

The Oil & Gas Workers Association today announced their endorsement of Jackson Lahmeyer for U.S. Senate in his race against incumbent Senator James Lankford.

Not to be confused with the other senate race to fill the unexpired term of Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma which features fourteen candidates; Tulsa Pastor Laymeyer continues steady growth in support today with one of the most influential industrial groups in Oklahoma.

“America’s Oil & Gas Workers need fighters who will not back down to the Biden administration, the radical left, extreme environmentalists, and hostile foreign nations,” the endorsement declares.

“Jackson Lahmeyer will ensure our elections are free and fair, secure our borders, fight back against federal overreach and standup for Oklahomans and all Americans on the issues that impact our jobs and families.” President Matt Coday wrote.

Lahmeyer at the Republican Women’s Club of South Tulsa County United. Photo: Arnett

“Like President Trump, Jackson Lahmeyer will bring people together to advance policies that put American workers and families first, create jobs, lower taxes and bring back the booming economy that benefits all Americans,” Coday urged on behalf of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Board.

The Lahmeyer campaign has also been endorsed by General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Sebastian Gorka, Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, Oklahomans For Health and Parental Rights and others.

In the ever difficult fundraising effort, Lahmeyer has claimed nearly $1,000,000.00 in the campaign from around 10,000 individual donors and held rallies all across the state of Oklahoma with thousands in attendance. Lahmeyer has also accepted invitations to smaller groups of Republicans and other patriots.

Lahmeyer continually demands Senator Lankford meet him in public debate, but no media, trade or civic association has been able to influence Lankford to accept such a challenge. Therein lies the problem many Oklahomans protest with incumbent Lankford – a lack of respect for and responsiveness to his constituents.

Gen. Flynn and Jackson Lahmeyer

A new poll from “Just Oklahoma Data” shows Jackson Lahmeyer nearing parity at 41.4% to the incumbent’s 46.3% with undecided voters at 11.2% expected to determine the victor.

As the Oil & Gas Workers President Matt Coday concluded in the endorsement, “We need a change in Washington D.C. Let’s make it Sooners, before it is too late. Our jobs, families, great State of Oklahoma and the nation depend on it.”

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