Vote today on river restoration

By Staff Report    
Tuesday, 09 October 2007
Today Tulsans vote on the future.  A “yes” vote will build new low-water dams at Sand Springs and Jenks and repair the one at 31st Street and Riverside.  The three dams will work together to maintain three lakes and keep water visible in the river year-round.  Although there is water in the river daily as Keystone dam generates electricity, it doesn’t reach Tulsa until about 10 p.m. before disappearing by about 3 am – the dams will pool that water and release it gradually over the daylight hours. This proposal will restore a living river in the heart of Tulsa County.

If approved this proposal provides $282 million of public money with additional private funding of $117 million guaranteed to build public gathering areas.  Additionally, when the $50 million of Federal funds passed by congress arrives, the local tax will end early as the listed projects are completed.  Regardless, the local sales tax will only increase by 0.4 – less than one half of a penny or about 10 cents per day average.  The proposition also includes a “senior rebate” and a “low-income rebate.

It is a realistic fundamental package that makes viable, for the first time in history, land and water in the center of Tulsa County for multiple public and private development throughout several cities.   The plan evolved from over 60 public meetings and four years of study by professionals from multiple disciplines.  As all economy is regional, the benefits of river development will cascade throughout northeastern Oklahoma.  River development has profited the people of every community that has ever undertaken the task, so it boils down to the question:  Do Tulsa County voters want the Arkansas River developed or not?

Previously posted stories on Arkansas River Development include the following available on Tulsa Today.
Tulsa can recover the Arkansas River (June 25)

Myths of river money (August 12)

Tulsa senator thinks river tax is all wet (September 6)

Conservatives should support river infrastructure (September 17)

Congressman Sullivan supports river restoration (September 21)

Key Corps of Engineers team member addresses Arkansas River development process (October 3)

River questions muddy waters of decision (October 8)

There are also three pieces in the Editorial Section that mention the River issue as part of other issues.

Rifting Tulsa this and river that (August 20)

Tulsa politics and propriety in punditry (September 24)

Loyal opposition leader supports river development (October 4)

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 October 2007 )