Analysis: Because Kamala Harris and Joe Biden cannot function coherently in an unscripted environment anywhere near the press or public, it begs the question of who or what is running the current administration. Even Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz told rally goers in Pennsylvania Saturday “we can’t afford four more years of this” prompting a title wave of agreement by many around kitchen tables, but what do the numbers really show?
Gas Prices
- Under President Trump, the nationwide average for regular gas never rose above $3/gallon. Under Kamala, it has been above $3/gallon for 1,228 days in a row — or 92% of her time in office.
- Under President Trump, gas prices averaged $2.48/gallon. Under Kamala, gas prices have averaged $3.49/gallon — more than a dollar higher.
- Under President Trump, gas prices fell below $1/gallon in 13 states. Under Kamala, gas prices hit new record highs in ALL 50 states.
Household Incomes
- In President Trump’s first three years, Americans saw a 10.5% boost ($7,690) in median household income — seven times larger than the 1.3% increase ($1,050) after the first three years of Kamala.
- Under President Trump, Black Americans saw a 9.2% increase ($4,540) — nearly twice as high as the increase under Kamala ($2,650).
- Under President Trump, Hispanic Americans saw an 11.7% increase ($6,960) — ten times higher than the increase under Kamala ($700).
- Under President Trump, Asian Americans saw a 14.4% increase ($14,600) — ten times higher than the increase under Kamala ($1,500).
- Under President Trump, White Americans saw a 10.8% increase ($8,320) — ten times higher than the increase under Kamala ($830).
- Under President Trump, real average weekly earnings increased 8.2%. Under Kamala, real average weekly earnings have declined 3.4%.
- Men saw a 5.6% increase ($3,620) in real median earnings after President Trump’s first three years. Men saw a 7% decrease (- $4,990) after three years of Kamala.
- Women saw an 8.1% increase ($4,170) in real median earnings after President Trump’s first three years. Women saw a 7.4% decrease (- $4,430) after three years of Kamala.

Personal Savings
- In President Trump’s first three years, the personal savings rate rose from 5.3% in 2017 to 19.3% in 2021 — a 264% increase. In Kamala’s first three years, the personal savings rate fell from 19.3% in 2021 to 2.9% in 2024 — an 85% decrease.
Home Ownership
- Under President Trump, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate decreased by 32% between 2017 and 2021. Under Kamala, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate increased by 120% between 2021 and 2024.
- When President Trump left office, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 2.77%. Under Kamala, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit 7.79% — a 23-year high.
- Under President Trump, the rate of homeownership increased by 2.1%. Under Kamala, the rate of homeownership decreased by 0.2%.
Credit Card Debt
- Under President Trump, the credit card delinquency rate fell by 11% between 2016 and 2020. Under Kamala, credit card delinquency skyrocketed by 54% between 2020 and 2024.
- Americans’ credit card debt hit a record $1.14 trillion under Kamala.
- Americans’ credit card debt has increased by 39% since Kamala took office.
- In President Trump’s first three years in office, more than 6.6 million Americans were lifted out of poverty. In Kamala’s first three years, just 760,000 Americans were lifted out of poverty.
- After three years of President Trump, 1.6 million Hispanic Americans, 1.1 million Black Americans, and 450,000 Asian Americans were lifted out of poverty. After three years of Kamala, 330,000 Asian Americans and 370,000 Hispanic Americans fell into poverty.
Said another way, the elephant in our pocket is the missing money we had to work with during Donald J. Trump’s administration.
Whatever you do Tulsa, don’t tell the daily lying leftist rag or the cowardly local broadcast hacks, but real people who buy food, gas, and pay mortgages and/or rent have noticed. The Obama/Biden/Harris train-wreck has destroyed the economy, opened our borders, and set our cities and world on fire. Regardless of personality, the policies of Donald J. Trump, worked for Americans and for peace worldwide.
In comparison (which lying leftist media never accurately execute); weaponizing government, demonizing half the population, and accusing Donald J. Trump of what Democrats are themselves doing is, as criminals always do, blaming the victim – what Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky taught them.