Political Analysis:
It just doesn’t get better for a political critic than Oklahoma politics where stupid seems to be the standard of public service.
The Oklahoman reported Tuesday that State Labor Commissioner Lloyd Fields was taken to Oklahoma City’s detox center after apparently stealing a bull rider’s guitar off the stage at the Professional Bull Riders Inc. (PBR) Copenhagen Challenger Tour Championship after-party Saturday night.
UPDATE: After media reports Tuesday morning Fields apologized, saying "I acknowledge an incident occurred last Saturday night. However, it was simply a misunderstanding of a practical joke among friends gone bad. I am embarrassed about the incident and take full responsibility. I apologize for my actions and ask for forgiveness."
No report has surfaced yet collaborating the “prank” story or explaining what humor was thought to be by what friend(s) for a statewide elected official to steal a guitar off the stage of a semipublic event.
Getting caught drunk and stupid is certainly gist for humor worldwide and how that happens to a high ranking public official who then avoids arrest is the question.
Fields is suspected of stealing bull rider Colby Yates’ guitar. He was stopped by PBR staff, PBR marketing manager Jodie Edmonds said. He then was turned over to off-duty Oklahoma City police officers who were working the door.
Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty told the Oklahoman Monday he cannot confirm — because of state law — that Fields was taken to the detox center. "I can’t verify that it happened. If a person is not technically arrested, then we can’t release that information or anything about that."

The police chief was further quoted in the
Oklahoman saying: "There was an incident at the Cox Convention Center in which an individual was suspected of stealing some property. Officers did detain somebody and after detaining them and investigating it, there was no determination that a crime had been committed."
Do politicians own the police in Oklahoma City?
One would think OKC officers would keep a higher standard than that of Tecumseh, Oklahoma where Jason McMahan on high-stupid one night stole a 20-foot campaign trailer decorated as a covered wagon with huge letters promoting his brother’s opponent in the state Auditor and Inspector’s race. Jason dragged the trailer with his red pick-up adorned with brother’s campaign signs clearly visible through the middle of Tecumseh. His brother won the race, but Oklahoma Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan stands now with a nine-count federal indictment and refuses to resign without impeachment – shades of Clinton here in the heartland. Jason McMahan has never been charged by local officials for “grand theft auto” crime.
Of course at the top of the political dung heap in Oklahoma remains Gene Stipe who was convicted, apologized, begged for mercy from the court, receive a very lenient sentence of probation and now stands accused of continuing the same crimes with greater amounts of money in more races and this time funding election corruption in part with taxpayer money. Hollywood could not make this stuff up.

Photos accompanying this story are provided in part from
Tulsa Today readers who requested anonymity and appear skilled in photo graphics.
The labor commissioner oversees an agency of about 100 employees who are responsible for enforcing state labor laws. It also has inspectors who check amusement rides for safety. Inspections could be called for as this drunk and stupid politician was most certainly amusing.
In a non-partisan offer to reduce the level of embarrassment for all the people of Oklahoma because we did elect these fools – I offer to buy Lloyd Fields a guitar and teach him how to play it. Maybe if he practices more he will steal less.
About the Author:
David Arnett began his career in professional journalism in 1985 and has published Tulsa Today since 1996 – before Al Gore invented the Internet. He has won two national awards as a First Amendment Publisher. Arnett is a Constitutional Republican, Public Information Specialist and Conservative Media Critic. This editorial may be reproduced with proper attribution and links back to the original source. Publisher David Arnett is available for interviews by recognized media.