Separating Fact from Fiction:
For some reason, a group of people in Edmond believe they know more about what’s best for our schools and our kids than we do. Sadly, in an attempt to impose their will on us, they have resorted to a campaign of distortion and falsehoods.
As the Dec. 8 election nears, it is important that we clear the air and separate fact from fiction.
Fact: This bond issue is NOT a tax increase. Despite the gibberish these outsiders would have us believe, the school district and its financial advisors have gone to exceptional lengths to ensure improvements to our school system while maintaining tax rates at current levels.
Fact: This proposal is a well thought-out package that has been under development for more than three years. There is no fluff or extravagance in it. Each and every item listed is essential to provide the quality education our kids need and deserve.
Fact: This bond issue will provide money to build three new schools while updating and equipping all existing sites. High on the priority list is doing away with “temporary” prefabs that have been around for decades.
Fact: Even though this bond package is larger than in past years, it does not max out the district’s debt ceiling. Should an unexpected need arise, a mini-bond issue can be presented for voter approval.
Fact: Nowhere in this issue is there an $11 million indoor football stadium the agitators point to with glee. There is a $2.8 million bad weather practice facility that would be used by a variety of school groups, including band, softball, soccer and football.
Fact: All bonds no matter how small or large have fees attached. They are legal requirements and cannot be avoided. The difference here is for the first time, fees earned by the bonding agent will stay in Broken Arrow and will be used for economic development purposes. The agitators would have us believe this is some kind of an evil conspiracy. In fact, it is a major positive element that makes an excellent proposal even more attractive.
Fact: This issue will provide critically important improvements to our school system and may well be the only way the district can get ahead of the fiscal curve. For full details, visit
About the author: Joe Cook is a parent who lives in Broken Arrow and is working with the Build A Better Broken Arrow Committee encouraging voters to vote YES for the schools. This loose coalition of citizens from all walks of life are ALL Broken Arrow residents who live or work in the Broken Arrow community." For more information visit or on facebook/imvotingyes