Ted Nugent named Favorite Hunting Personality

The people have spoken!  And guess who’s been named the Favorite Hunting Personality by the readers of Outdoors Magazine? None other than Ted Nugent!
Outdoors Magazine conducted a Public Opinion Poll designed to gauge the public’s perspective on the role of television and celebrities in the sport of hunting. And it seems that Nuge won by a landslide!  
"I have celebrated this amazing, humbling connection with America’s sporting families forever. I am a very lucky man to have so many gungho BloodBrothers out there,"  said Nugent, commenting from the road on his nationwide Trample the Weak Hurdle the Dead tour.

Nugent’s most recent victory will come as no surprise to the millions who have heard him wax eloquent in major media nationwide on hunting, fishing, trapping and gun rights.  In fact, Nugent is respected globally as an articulate and thoughtful spokesman for a full range of outdoors and conservation issues.  He is regularly sought for commentary by journalists worldwide.
Results will be published in the September Issue of Outdoors Magazine, and will also be available at www.outdoorsmagazine.net.  Thanks to everyone who voted!

Photo by: Kevin Pyle