Oklahoman named National Advisor of the Year

Denise Morris, state advisor for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, has been named by the national FCCLA organization as its 2011 State Advisor of the Year. Morris has served as state advisor at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education since May, 1999.

"This award recognizes an individual who exemplifies professional management of the state association, dedication to FCCLA, and strong support of the national organization and its programs," said Michael Benjamin, FCCLA executive director. "Without capable adult leaders, students could not take advantage of the many opportunities offered through FCCLA. Being an effective state advisor takes special skills and a tremendous commitment of time and energy."

FCCLA is a dynamic national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through CareerTech’s Family and Consumer Sciences Education.  The organization is unique among youth organizations because it is the only CareerTech in-school student organization with the family as its central focus.

"Mrs. Morris works hard every day to make sure the National FCCLA and Oklahoma FCCLA continues to be an outstanding program for students," said Trent Misak, national FCCLA vice-president of membership and a Meford, Okla. high school student. "Her positive attitude and dedication to FCCLA is what makes her one of the best state advisors."

Known as the "ultimate leadership experience," participation in FCCLA national programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.

Oklahoma FCCLA’s more than 12,000 members in 424 local chapters are located in junior and senior high schools and on technology center campuses.

FCCLA has more than 190,000 members and over 6,500 chapters from 50 state associations, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The organization has involved more than 10 million youth since founded in 1945.

FCCLA is one of seven CareerTech student organizations affiliated with CareerTech career areas.  The other six include FFA and Agricultural Education, BPA and Business and Information Technology Education, HOSA and Health Careers Education, DECA and Marketing Education, TSA and Technology Engineering, and SkillsUSA and Trade and Industrial Education.

For more information about FCCLA visit www.fcclainc.org

For more information about the Oklahoma CareerTech system visit www.okcareertech.org