Contrasting Rep. Boren and Rep. Weiner

Editorial:  It is with regret that Oklahomans bid farewell to U.S. Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK 2 Dist.) who announced Tuesday that he would not run again.  For all that Conservatives may have disagreed with his votes, those who followed his career believe him an honorable and truthful man.  I have suggested on radio and online that he was the best hope for a re-born Democrat Party – a potential new alignment for them that could, as a dramatic change, honor and follow the Constitution of the United States.

On the other hand; Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY 9 Dist.) shows the current state of the national Democrat Party as he aggressively, condescendingly, passionately and with specificity lied in public media interviews about his sexting and then said he would not resign his government position.  Doesn’t it remind you Charlie Rangel and Bill Clinton?  

Dan Boren and Anthony Weiner are both recently married.  Boren honors his wife and family at a high level by resigning from Congress to spend more time with his young children.  Weiner sows dishonors beyond the pale with a party dog routine that gives bachelors a bad name.  It does beg the question of why Weiner would marry if he is so committed to soliciting additional women.  Did Weiner marry for money or power or both?  Did Weiner vow to “honor” his wife before any God above his own ego?

Now please understand that I don’t care what Weiner does in his personal life and he is not that big a Weiner to most Americans.  He could be madly in love with greased chickens for all I care, but his actions lay bare a propensity for power over truth and honor.  Thus, it doesn’t matter what he says now because the public knows that if his mouth is moving then that sorry-son-of-a-sea-sick-sea-serpent is lying.  There is no common ground for communication with pathological liars.  

In an official unsigned editorial of the Tulsa World titled, “Weiner another victim of hubris” published today, the daily rag again shows truth is also not their primary focus.  As they list Weiner’s many now public sins and note “his denials simply did not ring true” even before he admitted them as bold face lies; they do not call for his resignation.

So according to the Tulsa World, lying to the public deliberately with certitude and passion and insult for all who might question the veracity of such statements is fine for public officials.  As I have wondered many times in the past, what idiot writes the unsigned editorials for the Tulsa World and will they ever find a way to honor truth over power in their own house? 

Apparently, not this day.

It is the position of Tulsa Today that Rep. Weiner or any other political figure that proves to be a public liar should resign public position.  Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, or Democrats it matters not – on your honor, tell the truth to the public you serve or get the hell out of public leadership.  America has suffered too many whores-to-their-own-ambition and all you Jacks should get off the governmental gravy train and take the media whores with you.

Editorial Question:  Should a public official once proven a public liar resign their elected position?  Tulsa Today has made this our poll question for a time.  Your vote is welcome without any requirement to register on this site.  You are also welcome to join the debate free of charge and comment on this editorial – dissenting opinions are welcome.