The world famous artist Van Gogh signed all of his known paintings using only his first name, Vincent. Poor Mr. Van Gogh sold only one painting (for about 400 francs) during his lifetime: “Red Vineyard at Arles (1888).” That work is currently housed at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
Archives indicate that the first boat to be successfully powered by an internal combustion engine was launched in 1886 by two men named Daimler and Maybach on the Neckar River (Germany). Bystanders were astonished. Later that same year, the new invention was publicly demonstrated to cheering crowds near Stuttgart.
The first Seeing Eye Dog to arrive in America came from Switzerland in 1928. The very intelligent canine (owned by Morris Frank) was named Buddy.
Petroleum scientists at the University of Liverpool are working to perfect methods that can efficiently generate powdered forms of methane hydrate. The powdered form appears to offer a more economical way to transport natural gas as the hydrates take up about one-fiftieth the volume of a like mass of methane in gas form. The solids formulas are also reportedly much safer to manage.
Hershey Bars, Tootsie Rolls and Cracker Jacks have all been offered on American markets for more than 100 years.
Mallows are flowering herbs and the name “marshmallow” was in reference to the visual resemblance of the puffy treats to the white (sometimes pink) flowers often flourishing in soft wet tracts of land. Valuable research has revealed that more than 50% of all marshmallows sold during the months of June, July and August are roasted over fires. Yummy.
Four inventors in the Ukraine have combined efforts to create “talking gloves” designed to be worn by folks who are speech/hearing impaired. As the glove wearers use sign language, sensors in the gloves can send text messages using smart phone apps. The words are audibly translated through the phone and communication is achievable with those who do not understand sign language.
Clean the World is a nonprofit program with noble goals. The organization collects partially used bars of soap (mostly from American hotels) which are re-melted, purified and pressed into new bars to be distributed globally in needy communities. Clean the World is also active in hygiene education emphasizing that cleanliness (with special emphasis on hand washing) can significantly reduce the spread of life-threatening illnesses such as pneumonia, cholera and diarrhea.