Obama’s Gaffe Hall of Fame

BarackObamaGaffesOpinion:  Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Thursday said President Barack Obama “makes more gaffes than George Bush and Sarah Palin combined.” However, the host complained, he is “never called on it.”

But Limbaugh did call him on it — and the Daily Rushbo also provides a video compilation that the site is calling the “Obama Gaffe Hall of Fame.”  This is beyond funny, but please as a direct safety warning from Tulsa Today – please do not show these videos to Liberal and Leftist friends – they might well explode.

Those who worship the most magnificent leader, believe in him as a matter of faith.  God knows there is no evidence that Barack Obama is competent in any regard nor is his administration.  However, it is not right to question anyone’s religious principles no matter how silly.  That warning given, enjoy this visual record of truth.


“Folks, you let that be George W. Bush, you let that be Ronald Reagan, and the stories today are, ‘Is Alzheimer’s setting in?  Do we have dementia?’  I’m not kidding,” Limbaugh said. “They would have psychiatrists and psychologists on TV, and they would be analyzing this, and they’d be looking for any indication that a declining mental capacity is taking place.”

The radio host called out the president over his geography gaffe made during his late-night TV appearance with Jay Leno.

Limbaugh also mocked Obama for apparently forgetting the name of Vice President Joe Biden’s wife. “He didn’t remember her name, and that means probably that the teleprompter froze,” he added.

Watch Limbaugh’s full radio segment below via the Daily Rushbo:


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