Fallin reappoints Regent Joseph Parker

JosephParkerGovernor Mary Fallin today announced she has reappointed Joseph Parker of Tulsa to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

He was first appointed in 2005 by Governor Brad Henry. Parker will serve a nine-year term pending confirmation from the Oklahoma Senate.

“Joseph Parker has spent the last seven years as a regent working to ensure Oklahoma continues to provide world class opportunities in higher education,” Fallin said. “The regents will continue to benefit from his experience and dedication.”

Parker is chairman of the board for Anchor Stone Co. in Tulsa, a company involved in the production of crushed limestone, sand and gravel and in heavy equipment brokerage. In addition, he also serves as the chairman for the Regents Investment Committee and co-chair for the Regents Online Education Task Force.

Parker also serves on numerous civic boards, including the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum, Oklahoma Innovation Institute and The Nature Conservancy’s Oklahoma Chapter.

A 1969 graduate of the University of Nebraska, Parker earned his MBA from the University of Washington in 1971. He and his wife, Sandra, have four children.