Updated: When rock star Joan Jett was removed from a state float in the upcoming Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade her People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) friends blamed “reactionary ranchers.” This from a group not known for respectful discourse or propriety in public displays.
“I’ve decided to switch from South Dakota to another float because people’s political agendas were getting in the way of what should be a purely entertainment driven event,” Jett said in a statement Saturday. “I will remain focused on entertaining the millions of people watching, who will be celebrating a great American tradition.”
Musical talent and professional success acknowledged Joan; how with any claim to sanity can you criticize people that you condemn as murders (for simply feeding millions) for condemning you politically? You use your fame for politics more often than you cut records girl.
Yes, fans who buy her records should know that when Jett acts up for political agendas it is “like all cool and stuff,” but when other people do the same they are “getting in the way of what should be a purely entertainment driven event.”
As CNN reported, Jett was removed from a parade float representing South Dakota in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade after ranchers protested her appearance, saying she’s a vegetarian and a critic of their livestock production.
The trade group for ranchers in South Dakota complained about Jett’s placement on the state’s float for the New York parade, CNN affiliate KEVN reported.
“So, of course, when we learned that about Miss Jett, we were rightly concerned about her representing South Dakota and a state that is so heavily reliant on agriculture and livestock production to drive our economy,” Jodie Anderson of the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association told the station.
A Macy’s spokesman said Jett and her Blackhearts band will be moved to another float, and another undetermined performer will take Jett’s place on the South Dakota float, the affiliate said.
“Thanks to South Dakota’s reactionary ranchers, people across the country have learned why Joan Jett supports PETA. The meat trade can’t stand any scrutiny of its cruelty,” PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews said in a statement.
Not true, but not unreasonable for those that worship animals.
It amazes many that those with a degree of fame think their opinions on issues outside their field transfers with any relevance. They don’t. See Barbra Streisand for more details.