Sisters say Bergdahl’s dad a Peeping-Tom Stalker

BoweBergdahlDadStalkThe father of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl creepily harassed a pair of twin sisters in Hailey, Idaho, for several months, according to police reports obtained by the Daily Mail and included in a Daily Caller story by Eric Owens.

In 2011, long before Robert “Bob” Bergdahl began learning Pashto and Arabic or tweeted a Taliban spokesman, the bizarro bearded dad stalked Lacey and Allie Hillman, police documents say. He allegedly tried to steal a peek at one of the twins in the shower and even stole a little gnome from their garden.

For anyone who has a daughter – or is a daughter – the allegations are frightening.

BoweBergdahlDadStalk2The Hillman sisters told police that Bergdahl, a UPS deliveryman, harassed them for over four months. Bergdahl’s son was about two years into his Taliban captivity during this period. The elder Bergdahl was – and remains – married to Jani Bergdahl, the mother of Bowe Bergdahl.

On one occasion, the sisters claimed, he left an angry note charging that one of the then-twentysomething sisters was “two-timing” him.

Later, he allegedly left a note saying, “I am sorry for whatever I did.”

A few weeks later, the sisters told police, Bergdahl confronted Allie Hillman at her front door after her boyfriend had left her house. She told police Bergdahl knocked on the door and said, while laughing, “What are you two-timing me, bitch?” according to the Mail.

Read more from The Daily Caller here.