Never has America been so disrespected worldwide. Anyone with a clue can see President Obama as a jester of narcissism obsessed with a false ideology too lazy to learn truth or act on it. Thus failing history; Obama must find others to blame while distracting attention to pointless contrived crisis.
Illustrating several pressing problems, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), Monday released statements on President Obama’s continuing failure in negotiations with Iran on nuclear enrichment and the scapegoating of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. We add a few other issues Tulsa Today readers will recognize from Ferguson to Immigration as gist for family discussion over the Thanksgiving Holiday. First Sen. Inhofe:
“As I expected and predicted, there is no deal on the Iranian nuclear program. Thanks to the President’s foreign policy of appeasement, his systematic dismantling of the American armed forces, and the lack of a coherent strategy for the Middle East, Iran is negotiating from a position of strength.
“Since 2007, our intelligence has said publicly that Iran would have a nuclear weapon and delivery system that could reach the United States by 2015 – and now we’re negotiating into 2015. We have no insight into and no monitoring of Iran’s Parchin military base outside of Tehran, where the International Atomic Energy Agency believes they have been working on designs for a nuclear bomb. The Iranians have been deceiving the international community about its nuclear program for two decades and I see no reason why this would change.
“I agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he said that the interim agreement was a ‘historic mistake’ and that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal.’
“Allowing Iran to retain the capability to be able to build a bomb in one year is not success – it’s a bad deal. The only good deal with Iran would be to reinstate the full spectrum of sanctions or dismantle the country’s enrichment program and implement a monitoring regime to prevent the development of a clandestine program. But that’s not the path we’re on. President Obama has already made a reckless agreement to ease pressure on Iran, and I fear it will get worse,” he added.
In response to the resignation of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Sen. Inhofe said, “Over the last two years, Secretary Hagel did everything the President asked of him and now is being made a scapegoat for the Administration’s failed policies and relentless pursuit to disarm America. We’ve seen this story before from the White House.

Sen. Jim Inhofe, ranking member of Senate Armed Services Committee, and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel look at a chart showing President Obama’s plans to fund defense spending at 16 percent of the federal budget compared to President Reagan’s federal budget in 1989 that funded defense at 28 percent.
“Much like what happened to General Jim Jones, the dangerously insular West Wing pushes out those who question their disastrous policies, as Secretary Hagel had begun to do in recent months on sequestration and in a scathing memo to Susan Rice on the White House’s failing strategy in Syria and Iraq. Not surprisingly, the President seems determined to double down on his misguided policies for his last two years in office instead of changing course to deal with the growing security challenges that have festered on his watch.”
Sen. Inhofe is a national treasure.
For his part as the world burns, President Obama plays Racialist in Chief again inserting himself prematurely, inappropriately and to disastrous effect in Ferguson, Missouri. President Obama feeds idiot rage and lawlessness for political gain.
Obama is following his mentors; Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, and Karl Marx in this distraction designed to pander to his only remaining constituency. As Vladimir Lenin said, “nothing is more useful than a useful idiot.”
Obama’s mamma would be proud, but as it may depress those who love America, here is a bit of humor from Saturday Night Live to brighten your day.
…and a simple graphic image to share with Liberal family over turkey.