Bixby students page at State Capitol

Rep. Mike Ritze with Kristen Hopkins and Peter Anthony

Rep. Mike Ritze with Kristen Hopkins and Peter Anthony

Two Bixby High School students spent a week at the Oklahoma State Capitol while serving as pages to the House of Representatives from March 30 through April 2.

Senior Kristen Hopkins and junior Peter Anthony ran messages to state lawmakers during session hours and helped with office tasks when session was out. After session on Tuesday evening, the two pages participated in a mock session, where they learned detailed legislative procedures.

During their service at the Capitol, Gov. Mary Fallin signed the first bills of the 2015 session on March 31.

The two high school students served in the office of Rep. Mike Ritze of Broken Arrow.

“Kristen and Peter were helpful and eager participants in the legislative process for a week,” Ritze said. “They did a good job of representing their high school at the Capitol and showing us all what Bixby has to offer in the way of young people.”

Kristen is the daughter of Brett and Terri of Tulsa. Peter is the son of Mike and Susan of Bixby.

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