WASHINGTON D.C. – Early this morning, the House Armed Services Committee passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mark up for FY16. This latest version assures that the Armed Forces of the United States are properly funded, efficiently and effectively trained while highlighting proper health parameters for all trainees.
Congressman Russell submitted an amendment into the NDAA that would award Purple Hearts to the members of the armed forces who were killed at their recruiting stations at the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. He also saw some of his recommendations from his “Waste Watch” be implemented to reduce unnecessary spending.
Speaking about NDAA, Congressman Russell said, “There is so much to go through of importance in the NDAA, but I would like to highlight the changes we have made with acquisition reform for our military. Through our oversight process we have streamlined the implementation process which has allowed the DOD to not only make judgements in the best interest of our troops, but also for every taxpayer as well.
“I was happy to see the amendment adopted on awarding the Purple Heart to the military members who were killed at their recruiting stations in the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.
“These warriors, killed in a horrific act of domestic terror while serving as recruiters, deserve the honor and the distinction afforded those killed by terrorist acts abroad. It is never too late to do the right thing; so today, as a former military officer and combat leader, I urge that the respect of the nation be afforded to those who gave their lives in defense of their country in this catastrophic attack 20 years ago.”