Black Friday: 31% no savings

RetailBlackFridayWith 63 percent of American consumers saying that Black Friday doesn’t offer the best deals of the year, the personal finance website WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis of 2015’s Best & Worst Items to Buy on Black Friday.

To find out whether shoppers are really getting the best deals, the WalletHub research team compared the “Pre-Black Friday Price” and the “Black Friday Price” of a broad selection of items and isolated the offers that are truly worth the hassle of participating in America’s biggest shopping craze of the year.

  Additional Discount for Waiting Until Black Friday by Product Category
  1 Books, Movies and Music (28%)   7 Computers & Phones (14%)
  2 Video Games (only the software) (22%)   8 Apparel & Accessories (12%)
  3 Toys (22%)   9 All Other Product Categories (9%)
  4 Consumer Packaged Goods (18%)   10 Furniture (8%)
  5 Appliances (17%)   11 Jewelry (4%)
  6 Consumer Electronics (17%)      

For a complete list of Black Friday deals updated daily, check out this WalletHub report: 2015’s Black Friday Ads: Find the Best Deals Key Stats

  • Retail168% of items will have a significant Black Friday discount (10%+), and it is thus worth waiting to purchase them.
  • 14% of items will have Black Friday prices similar to what they currently sell for.
  • 17% of items will be more expensive on Black Friday than they currently are on
  • “Books, Movies & Music” will be the most-discounted purchase category on Black Friday, providing savings of 28% relative to current prices, whereas “Jewelry” will only be about 4% cheaper on Black Friday.

For the full report, visit:

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