Sen. James Lankford
Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today released a video statement on President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. The full video is included at the end of this story.
Sen. Lankford said, “We announced, in the United States Senate, a month ago that, no, we’re not going to try to move on someone in an election year.
“This has been the same thing we have done throughout decades of history in the Senate that we don’t put people in the Supreme Court during the final year of an administration.”
Sen. Lankford noted, “The Court continues to meet, as normal, right now. They have eight justices. This has happened multiple times over the history of the court. In fact, when the court first began, there were only six justices on the court in the earliest days. Then it shifted to ten, then it went back to nine. It’s been nine for a long time. But lots of times, it’s been eight.”
The transcript may be found online by clicking here.