Vision projects pass overwhelmingly

VisionTulsaLogo_2Color_WithoutDomainBy any standard, the margins of victory for each of the Vision proposals were a political landslide. Three City of Tulsa propositions passed by wide margins, as did a 0.05 percent county tax and individual proposals in Owasso, Collinsville, Jenks, Glenpool and Sapulpa.

This comes, remarkably, in a difficult economy troubled by Obama Administration attacks on energy and a significant local employer abandoning the city. Apparently, Tulsans are an optimistic people and/or there was little effective opposition.

DamTaxeslogoWhat opposition did surface focused personal project hate and disinformation at such extreme levels that it became easy for voters to dismiss. The low water dams do not increase risks of flooding and are not a threat to the American Bald Eagle or the Lease Tern. The science supporting these environmental improvements is based in detailed primary research over decades as supervised and specified by the U.S. Corps of Engineers.

Opponents of the low water dams assailed the science behind the proposal without, apparently, ever reading the scientific published reports found here online. Further, opponents promoted the Marxist positions of Al Gore’s factually incorrect movie on climate change with “sky is falling” laughable language – fruits, flakes and nuts stuff.

ArkansasRiverTul2Proponents focused on how the various propositions provided important puzzle pieces in the continuing effort to provide public infrastructure that springboards private local  investments. Tulsans focused forward won the vote – overwhelmingly.

All propositions received at least 60 percent, and some topped 70 percent.

The City of Jenks proposition, which primarily funds one of the low-water dams, received nearly 80 percent approval.

Tulsa County’s combined sales tax rates will remain unchanged except in Glenpool, where the rate will increase by 0.55 percent, and in the unincorporated areas, where it will decline by 0.55 percent.

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